The Xbox Game Pass recorded growth of 37% in subscribers in the 2021 financial year. However, the forecast was made by around 10%. We reported about it. Based on these figures, Daniel Ahmad, Analyst at Niko Partners, estimates the number of subscribers in the Xbox Game Pass by June 2021 to around 20 million. Microsoft itself did not give up current subscriber numbers. Most recently, in January this year, it was called 18 million current numbers. > This Toold Put Game Pass Subs Around 20m As of June IF Going by the 37% Yoy Growth Figure. > > - Daniel Ahmad (@zhugex) October 19, 2021
football PES 2020 (football Pro Development Football 2020) is a football simulation video game created by PES Productions as well as released by INAMI for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Android and also IOS. The game is the 19th installation in the football Pro Advancement Soccer series and also was launched worldwide on 10 September 2019 and in Japan on 12 September 2019. This year's version features a name modification with the enhancement of 'football' within the title, symbolizing a push in the online gaming space with an emphasis one Football Pro tournaments. Lionel Messi returned as the cover celebrity of the basic version, which was the first because his last look on the cover of Pro Evolution Soccer 2011, alongside PES ambassadors Serge Gnabry, Miracle Panic as well as Scott McTominay, each representing one of the game's companion clubs. Ronaldinho was featured on the cover of the legend edition. PES 2020 is the last game in the collection to util...
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